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Our Expertise

We are a group of experienced, multi-functional commercial practitioners who know how to drive category and brand growth by seamlessly connecting with consumers, shoppers and customers

Value Chain Marketing

We help our clients identify and exploit latent and potential growth opportunities across their value chain of target consumers, shoppers and customers


Value Chain Marketing Solutions

We work in 5 integrated commercial focus areas:

  • Category Marketing
  • Brand Marketing
  • Consumer Marketing
  • Shopper Marketing
  • Customer Marketing

Solutions for Growth

We help our clients find new ways to grow the categories in which they compete and define the parameters for disproportionate brand growth.


To identify and exploit consumer, shopper and customer growth opportunities for brand portfolios based on a deep understanding of the category context in which they compete


Disproportionate business growth Industry thought leadership

How we help clients

We help our clients accelerate and sustain long-term commercial success by assisting them in designing the right commercial strategies, implementing them efficiently and effectively, and building sustainable competitive advantage in their commercial capabilities.

Category Marketing


To quantify and assess the total market opportunity and potential threats for a consumer-defined category of products, thus setting the context for brands to compete more successfully and sustainably.


Disproportionate brand growth & Category thought leadership

How we help clients

  • Understand the commercial potential of the category in which they compete Identify the sources and key drivers of future growth
  • Identify associated critical success factors and understand the company’s competitive position and capability development priorities
  • Define and target the highest potential opportunities for their brands within the category

Brand Marketing


To drive sustainable growth and equity of the company’s brands across all categories in which they compete by exploiting relevant category growth opportunities in all parts of the market value chain, whilst building sustainable and relevant propositions for target consumers, shoppers and retailers


Growing brand equity and commercial value across the market value chain

How we help clients

  • Identify and prioritise brand growth opportunities across all categories in which their brands compete
  • Put in place the relevant strategic brand development programmes utilising our proprietary “16P” marketing framework
  • Translate strategic brand plans into highly effective operational brand activities across the whole market value chain
  • Build competitive advantage through organisational, team and individual competence.

Consumer Marketing


To ensure the company’s brands are the consumer’s first choice at every relevant moment of consumption


Growing and sustaining profitable consumer usage of the company’s brands

How we help clients

  • Understand barriers and motivations for consumption
  • Evaluate and target consumption growth opportunities for brands
  • Develop and coordinate consumption focused brand strategies and activity plans
  • Develop and execute consumption growth initiatives
  • Improve the execution, efficiency and effectiveness of consumer-focused marketing activity
  • Build competitive advantage in consumer marketing capabilities

Shopper Marketing


To ensure the company’s brands are the shopper’s first choice whenever they make the decision to buy from the category and to ensure that decision is acted upon when making the purchase.


Growing and sustaining profitable shopper purchase of the company’s brands.

How we help clients

  • Understand barriers and motivations for shopper decision making and purchase
  • Evaluate and target retail sales growth opportunities for brands
  • Develop and coordinate shopper purchase focused brand strategies and activity plans
  • Develop and execute purchase growth initiatives
  • Improve the execution, efficiency and effectiveness of shopper focused marketing activity
  • Build competitive advantage in shopper marketing capabilities

Customer Marketing


To secure the required support for the company’s brands within the customer sphere of operation and influence


Growing and sustaining profitable, efficient and effective customers support for the company’s brands

How we help clients

  • Evaluate and target customer-based growth opportunities for categories and brands.
  • Develop and coordinate customer support focused brand strategies and activity plans
  • Develop and execute customer support improvement activities
  • Engage more successfully with target customers
  • Understand barriers and motivations for customer support decisions and actions
  • Build competitive advantage in customer marketing capabilities