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  • So Just What Is Category Marketing?

    Category Marketing focusses on the needs and preferences of specific customer, consumer and shopper segments,. Brands can create tailored category offerings designed to meet their unique requirements.

  • 5 Point Plan For Growth – Point 5 – Maximising ROI

    We are seeing many CPG job vacancies advertised (you only have to look at LinkedIn and see how many job posts there are) only to be told that finding the right person is taking too much time and potentially impacting team performance.

  • 5 Point Plan For Growth – Point 4 – Team Performance

    We recently shared our 5 Point Plan for Growth that could be used in these tumultuous times to smooth the waters. Point 4 we said was Team Performance. Does your team have an agreed vision, mission, and a set of goals? Do they work as one team, consistently providing for the business? The last three…

  • 5 Point Plan For Growth – Point 3 – Capability Development

    A recent McKinsey report states, ‘ In the future, the most successful organisations will develop the skills of their workforce, inextricably linking capability building with business value, and making talent development a CEO-level priority.’

  • 5 Point Plan For Growth Point 2 – IBP – Integrated Business Planning

    We recently shared our 5 Point Plan for Growth that could be used in these tumultuous times to smooth the waters. Point 2 we said was Integrated Business Planning – IBP. It is that time of the year again when business thoughts turn to the plan for the next financial year, so I have a question…

  • 5 Point Plan For Growth Point 1- Thought Leadership

    We recently shared our 5 Point Plan for Growth that could be used in these tumultuous times to smooth the waters. Point one we said was Vision and Strategy – Thought Leadership. Let’s start with defining what we mean by thought leadership. It was first coined in 1994 by former editor-in-chief of Strategy and Business…