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Are you Building Competitive Advantage?

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A recent McKinsey report states that, ‘In the future, the most successful organisations will develop the skills of their workforce, inextricably linking capability building with business value, and making talent development a CEO-level priority.’

2020/21 has been an interesting time. The business environment has become more complex, dynamic and challenging. In the last year, we have seen:

  • Rapidly evolving consumer needs and expectations
  • Transformative shopper access to goods and services
  • Dynamic and shifting retail landscape
  • Acceleration and fragmentation of media options
  • The emergence of highly focused micro competitors with global reach
  • Stricter social and environmental parameters for business activity.

This places enormous pressure on your organisation’s ability to compete effectively. It also highlights critical challenges in capability and competence development.

No business can afford to allow their commercial capabilities to fall behind those of their competitors.

The Big River Solutions Academy will develop your competence in critical commercial capabilities to help you:

  • Accelerate business performance
  • Build a sustainable source of competitive advantage
  • Rapidly raise the standard of essential skills in the workplace
  • Improve employee retention and engagement
  • Manage your workforce development and succession more efficiently.

The BRS academy uses a mix of teaching methods to develop understanding, knowledge and skills:

  • Training – to establish foundation awareness, understanding and skills
  • Facilitation – to develop role-specific capabilities on the job
  • Coaching – to develop personal skills and contribution

in a full range of critical commercial skills and organisational enablers across the entire commercial team and relevant support functions to create seamless and supportive ways of working.

If you would like to discuss this further, let us know. We would be delighted to help.

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