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Category Strategy – Rolling out your Category Vision, making it happen in market

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We have often seen the same issue affect global businesses. They have created a global or regional category vision and drivers, which they then expect the market-based teams to adopt and apply. However, this brings with it some issues:

• Will, your in-market teams align behind a centrally produced Category Strategy?

• Is it fit for purpose? Are the drivers equally relevant to each market?

• Are there other drivers more relevant for your local teams?

• Is it robust enough to align your investment?

• Will, your customers support this in each market?

There is a solution to this quandary; you need to translate your global Category Vision and Drivers into a market-relevant (but consistent) version through a series of challenge and build sessions with the local market team to align, adapt and apply.

The benefits

• A more powerful and cohesive category strategy and story that is locally relevant and applied to be a more compelling investment opportunity for your brands and your customers

How it works

• We, at Big River Solutions, have distilled our vast international experience in guiding companies to create highly effective, business accelerating Category Strategies and Category Based Selling Presentations into a set of practical best-practice standards and guides

• Working with the local business, we will embed your global Category Vision and Strategy, using co-creation workshops to validate and build a relevant version for each market and help them apply it to their brand, consumer, shopper, channel and customer plans.

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